CoMBAT Opioid Use Disorder

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About: Brown University is seeking participants from Massachusetts and Rhode Island for a research study to test a type of counseling to improve the health of individuals currently taking medications for opioid use disorder. Participation in the study lasts 6 months and participants are compensated.

Who: 18 years of age or older Live in Massachusetts or Rhode Island Currently taking Methadone or Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv) Currently struggling to attend medication visits or take medications daily

Contact Information:
(401) 552-4375

Compensation: Yes

Time Involved:
6 months

Study Requirements:
3 assessment visits: baseline, 3 month, and 6 month visits (~2 hours each)
2-10 counseling sessions with a therapist (~1 hour each)
Urine toxicology screening at each visit
All visits take place using online over video chat

Study Website
Study Screener URL:

Participating Organization: